5 AdWords Life Hacking,which will Save your Time:Optimization of PPC Advertising
5 AdWords life hacking, which will save your time: the optimization of PPC advertising.
Contextual advertising without exaggeration simply consumes your time. Optimize your ad text, keyword selection, bid management, record keeping, Landing optimization and other tasks - all important aspects of the configuration of an advertising campaign. However, you can delve into it with his head, if a lot of time on things that you do not need.
Here are the 5 tricks within AdWords, which can help to save time and simplify work with contextual advertising on Google.
1. Get rid of unnecessary keywords
Of course, a couple of years ago, it was important to cover all possible variations of queries and phrases, including even multiple numbers of errors, dialects and so on. D. But in Google, last year has saved us from the problem of an exact match keys and phrases in AdWords ( link to news )Let's, for example, look at this account: only 1.2% of keywords bring all views!
Trying to maintain a semantic core, in which 98% of unused keys - it's just madness. This greatly complicates the campaign management and reporting. Get rid of unnecessary keywords, but do not forget to carry out works in the split tests.
2. Get rid of useless ads
Why, in general, someone from advertisers to keep the ads at once 6000?I can not answer this question, but we managed to find such a profile to AdWords. After working for a bit, we found that this is quite a common problem - many advertisers thousands of ads that do not bring any result.
It's just you do not need. For example, the profile of 1% of the best ads brings 99.5% of all the views!
So why spend the time to support all of these ineffective ads? This greatly complicates the work. AdWords - this is definitely the place where quality prevails over quantity. In fact, to the contextual advertising has been successful enough and classified ads.
Instead of being in each barrel spigot, use special tools such as Dynamic Keyword Insertion. DKI ( dynamic ads ) replaces certain words in your advertisement so that they exactly match the request of the applicant. .
Optimize your profile and select the time for the really important changes in several landing pages, this will bring a lot more good than reinvent the wheel every day and churning out pages.
3. Do not focus on mobile landing pages
In the last couple of years, people have become obsessed with mobile landing pages, even though the low conversion of mobile users.
However, most of the conversion occur on the channel, which is why some entrepreneurs could not connect to the mobile sphere. Most conversions recorded during telephone calls.
Calls - the main source of leads! In a telephone conversation a better chance to convince a person to take the desired action. This explains why the function "Call" has completely changed the industry of e-commerce for mobile users.
Mobile landing pages give no more than 3% conversion. And this means that 97% of people carry with them legs! And even if someone follows a link from your mobile Landing, does not mean that it has something to buy.
call function directly on the screen of your smartphone allows potential clients to immediately contact your representatives and find out everything you need. Try to remove links to your site and specify where your business phone number with the possibility of immediately make a call.
4. Try designers of dynamic ads
Of course, sometimes it is necessary to use almost the same ad, but agree that their creation requires twice as much time.Suppose your boss or client will want to know how much this or that product is already hanging on the market. Or even worse: suddenly you will be required almost in real time to indicate the quantity of goods remaining in the warehouse. Manually work with these ads - it's just a nightmare. Rather acquainted with insertion!
Their operating principle is simple enough: you link it to a specific informational table where then make data models, brand, cost, and other parameters. Process Automation always saves valuable time, while your ad will always be relevant.
5. Use AdWords scripts for record keeping
Reports - this is one of the major time wasters in contextual advertising, especially if your work is something similar to the examples above.6. Bonus tip
Find out how to return visitors who go to your site by using Google AdWords remarketing in this article.Discover the scripts in the AdWords ( the AdWords the Scripts ). These codes can be used to create custom reports or automatic changes to the profile.
Using scripts, you can do almost anything: to follow the indicator of ad quality (Quality Scores), mark the peaks of increased costs, identify useless keywords, and much more. This feature may seem very complicated, but it is not so. If you have never worked with the code, it will be easier to hire someone. It is also worth noting that all of the most useful scripts were written long ago, and are freely available on the Internet.
5 AdWords Life Hacking,which will Save your Time:Optimization of PPC Advertising
Reviewed by New Technology