Not All Visitors Are Created Equal
Not All Visitors Are Created Equal
One owner of an online store selling clothes had not previously worked with experts in analytics and analytical companies. He is pretty well settled into Google Analytics data, and there it was enough. The advertising campaign, he was not engaged tightly. Attendance at the site was good, but the GA showed lower conversion - 0.2%. Advertising itself caused a lot of doubt - it took about 20 thousand per month, while sales were estimated units. What exactly was the problem, it was not entirely clear because the number of clicks on contextual advertising has been high.
CoMagic team set for itself the following task: to find out which advertisement brought potential customers, and only ate some money and to start up a useless untargeted traffic. Also, after discussing the problem with the owner of the store, it was decided to increase the number of ways to communicate online, to increase the rate of appeals.
The changes
1. Installation of additional means of communication: online consultant, call back from the site, the form for applications in the off-hours online store.Our research has shown that the additional means of communication to increase circulation to the site, rather than redistribute them. Customers prefer to communicate with the site useful to them, and if such a method is not found, they often simply find another online store.
Online store our client has worked to 19-00. Installation of the application form on the website actually extended the working hours of the site. Going after work, the visitor fills application, leaving your contacts, and the next day received a call or email from the sales manager.
To assure visitors that call for them free of charge, the shop owner for the order form callback wrote: "Call us free."
2. Adding a site to service CoMagic.
After you select the numbers for managers CoMagic advertising campaigns set up for an online store static call tracking - call tracking visitors coming to the site, when the phone number assigned to a specific advertisement.Advertising Yandex Direct's assigned phone number - (495) 123-123-34, and Google Adwords - (495) 123-123- 35. After starting the campaign all calls are counted system and transferred to the main phone number online store. This allowed the business owner to keep track of how many calls of visitors for each of the rooms.
Already after a month, you can see the changes. Firstly, due to the increased number of methods of communication requests to the site has increased, this figure rose to 17%. Second, the service showed the true number of targeted visitors for two campaigns. Data on the overall target and transitions varied considerably.Google Adwords brought a lot of visitors to the site, but now only 35 people contacted. Of these, 10 were not looking for something that offers store (ask about the shoes and accessories), 2 wrong number, and some calls and was not processed. As it turned out, the sales manager thought that the store will be contacted in any case, so do not hurry to take up. Total 9 missed calls in a month. Nedozvonivshihsya (Officer russia)visitors service is not considered for targeted treatment, which means they are also not taken into account.
The actual number of target applications unpleasantly surprised our customers - only 14 potential sales. If the owner of an online store, and further considered the effectiveness of advertising on transitions and the total amount of traffic, in his view it would have been great - more than 600 conversions in a month! And in fact, have fallen Visitors little interest in magazine advertising too expensive and did not bring sales.
Work on the bugs
The owner of an online store has decided to take time off from Google Adwords and sent to the Direct budget without increasing advertising costs.The business development of the number of transmissions to the site is not an absolute measure of advertising effectiveness. No matter how large this number is, it does not determine the sale site. But the treatment of visitors to the site, on the contrary, are not the most biased indicators Payback advertising.
If you are interested in other ways to increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, we are waiting for you on our website:
Not All Visitors Are Created Equal
Reviewed by New Technology