Authorization On the Site Through Social Networks: Good or Bad for An Online Store?
Authorization on the site through social networks: good or bad for an online store?
Many online stores offer their customers the opportunity to purchase goods without registration - just click 'Continue as a guest' to make information about the order and wait for your goods.
At the same time some of the major players of online trading, like ASOS, abandon this practice - they make registration mandatory, but it greatly simplifies it - you can enter through the social networks.
In the past year, we conducted the study, during which it became clear that 42% of smartphone and tablet users prefer to buy goods in shops that support authentication through social networks. And 51% of respondents regularly use this opportunity.
Entrance to the site through social networks has a huge number of advantages - auto complete fields, there is no need constantly to remember your password, login speed.
Individual approach
45% of customers who use the entrance through social networks, prefer to buy goods in stores tailored to their personal interests. Log in via social networks allows store owners to get a huge amount of relevant information that can be used to increase sales.
We are talking about e-mail address, date of birth, marital status, interests. Members would never have to specify these details when registering at the online store, and to the input through social networks you can easily get personal customer data.
Despite the fact that now almost all the social networking sites offer the ability to log in, including Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Classmates, Instagram, Youtube, you better hold on the big players.
1. Focus on the sites .
where users logged into their browsers and rarely come out of the profile.After all, through social networks involves active input authentication, and the easiest way to confirm it - to have an open profile in a social network that is We are talking about networks that spend the most time.
2. Avoid large selection.
Do not offer too many options. Allow the user to log on to your site through social service 3-4, not more.3. Niche social networks can be risky.
As we have already pointed out, a lot of social networking offers a login option. Even and Webmoney is one of them, but whether their users are your customers? What if Foursquare will stop working after six months? You and your customers better to rely on more reliable partners.4. Try to get the information you need.
It is much harder to find an approach to the Twitter users than for users to Facebook. The fact that some services provide more information than others. For example, Twitter users, LinkedIn, and PayPal does not indicate their gender when registering.The more information that provides users the easier to establish a relationship between buyer and seller. That is why the VC and FB will be the best one for the entrance to your site.
5. Buyers are using fictitious data.
You should understand that users are more likely to indicate false information on social services such as Twitter and Last.FM. In contrast, they are the FB, VK, and Mail.6. Save the opportunity to buy goods without registration.
Despite the fact that ASOS removed the button 'Continue as a guest' shop still allows customers to view and purchase goods without registration - to do this, click on the icon with the envelope. Icon set next to the buttons to login via social networks, so the potential buyer still prefers to log in, but if for some reason he did not want to do that, he will always be able to buy goods without registration.While marketers are trying to find another way to get information about the client, the obvious answer is right under their noses - social networks provide a full data package, which stores can be used for example for the retargeting of what we said in the last article.
Authorization On the Site Through Social Networks: Good or Bad for An Online Store?
Reviewed by New Technology